The Showkreator for grandMA3

The Showkreator is a Lua based plugin within a showfile for the lighting console grandMA3 by MA Lighting. This showfile will help you build a very powerful busking showfile for live situations within minutes. It can also be used as a base for cuelist or timecode shows. The plugin will create symmetrical Groups, Presets, Worlds, Layouts, Fader Page, Button Page, Playback Page and a Phaser FX Engine.

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The Showkreator MA3

Get a working Busk file within minutes!

This Plugin will create a complete working busk showfile on grandMA3. Coming into a show with this Plugin will give you a lot of time to work on other details and prepare better shows.

Known limitations:
- grandMA3 Software must be at least version
- Does not work on macOS
- Subfixtures will all be stored together with main fixtures.
- All Presets need manual updating.

For a complete presentation please watch our Youtube Video regarding this Plugin:

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To buy the plugin click "In den Warenkorb" ("Add to Chart"). Now select "Warenkorb anzeigen" ("Show Chart") on the right side of your screen. Hit "Zur Kasse" ("Checkout") and enter your personal data. "Vorname" ("Name"), "Name" ("Surname"), "Straße" ("Street"), "Postleihzahl" ("Postal Code"), "Ort" ("City"), "Land" ("Country") and E-Mail are the only things you need to enter. Click "Weiter" ("Continue") and select "PayPal" as payment method. Click "Weiter" again, acceppt terms of service ("Ich akzeptiere die AGB.") and hit "Kostenpflichtig bestellen" ("Confirm purchase"). You will now be redirected to PayPal to finish the process. After purchase you will receive an email with a download link within the next 48 hours. This includes the complete "Showkreator" showfile with all User Profiles, Macros and additional Plugins. All future update of the Plugin will be send to you automatically.

If you are having trouble using our shop, please contact us at
If you can not use PayPal, send us an e-mail with your contact and billing information. We will send you an invoice and the download link will be sent to you after the payment came in (Vorkasse).

500,00 €
Enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer 19 %
79,83 €

AGB - Lieferbedingungen

Informationen zur Online-Streitbeilegung: Die Europäische Kommission stellt unter folgendem Link eine Plattform zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten bereit:
Unsere E-Mail-Adresse:

Learn all about the Showkreator Plugin for grandMA3 in this video playlist:
